Bring It On

It was fantastic seeing all of you today at Open House! I have to admit I was a little reluctant to begin this year—who wants to give up summer and all its perks? But, seeing all of you made me feel differently! So to the new school year I say, “Bring it on!”

When the Holy Spirit Talks ‘I’ Listen…

Okay so, we all know God can talk to you, and as a child I was sure that it had to be like a scene from that old Charlton Heston movie “The Ten Commandments.”  (Google it if you don’t know what I am talking about.) I was just sure the sky would part, a beaming gold ray would spill out and a Darth Vaderesque voice would issue forth my own personal message. Well, here I am a woman in my 40,s and this is yet to happen.

Instead, He talks to me in the little things; a nagging feeling, an unexpected thought, through a friend, and—if I am lucky—with Dove chocolate wrappers. But that’s a different story for a different day.

Well, today the Holy Spirit spoke to me smack-dab in the middle of my first-period religion class. And get this—not once, but TWICE!

First, in the middle of  a video the song of the week came roaring right out at me. (I’ll share about that tomorrow.)

Secondly, a feeling that was extremely hard to ignore came over me in that same class  that it was time to share  certain videos I came across this past summer.

As a woman, as a  mother, I sobbed when I saw some of these videos. As a junior high religion teacher, I knew I had to share them with my students…

and today was the day the Holy Spirit chose.

The message of this campaign and these videos is SO important, especially for young women, but it should not be ignored by men. “The dignity of every woman is the task of every man.” John Paul II

So,watch these videos and talk to your kiddos; it is so important! I know so because a little Dove told me.

Dove Self Esteem Campaign

The Cookies

Today, a cookie spoke to me. Don’t laugh it did. It happened at 9:30 during my plan period.

I was innocently working on the computer drinking a delicious cup of coffee when I heard it. I tried to resist it, but I couldn’t. Its allure was too much. I opened the the lid for a quick peek, and there it was in all its cute flower-shaped pinkness.  It was too much. I had to have one. I tried to resist. I really did!

But before I knew it, I found myself counting the cookies and wondering, “If I eat one now, will there be enought for all the kids?” 

Never in all my years of teaching have I ever dipped into the birthday treats without the birthday kid—that is until now.

But it was sooo pink and sooo perfect and…